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Showing posts from January, 2024

Left, Right, or Straight_6

 Left, Right, or Straight_6 What route on Leg 18 would you prefer? Read a detailed analysis of the routes on this leg here Aleksandr Alekseyonok, January 29, 2024

"Confident Orienteering" in now also in Ukrainian

On February 1, 2024, 'Confident Orienteering: Book 1' is released in Ukrainian. I extend my deepest gratitude to Dudnik Illia, Kobets Svitlana, Petrov Vitalii, Pitirimova Olena, and Polianytsia Stanislav for their exceptional work in translating this book into Ukrainian. I hope that this guide proves valuable for Ukrainian orienteers, many of whom have been compelled to leave their homes, losing their usual orienteering connections and, in some cases, finding themselves without coaches. The English version is available here Aleksandr Alekseyonok, January 25, 2024

Learning from others' errors #6

Learning from others' errors #6  An example of a parallel error.  Reason - too much trust in tracking route execution relied only on features. Source See Also Aleksandr Alekseyonok, January 24, 2024

Extra Compass for Races: Yes or No?

  Extra Compass for Races: Yes or No? Do you bring an extra compass with you during races? Have you ever broken or lost your compass during a race? Please, share your experiences and thoughts on this topic in the comments. If you're a top elite athlete or a high-level coach and would be willing to participate in a brief interview on this subject, please contact me. Your insights will be of great interest to many orienteers Aleksandr Alekseyonok, January 5, 2024.

"Confident Orienteering" - one more step forward

  "Confident Orienteering" - one more step forward Another step forward for my "Confident Orienteering" project: the French version is now available in print. The translation and sales are organized by the French orienteer,mapmaker, and coursesetter,  Fabrice Lapergue . The printed French version is available here, as is the digital version Due to the cost of sending hard copies and my heavy workload in writing Book 2 of this practical guide, the English version is not available at this time. However, I am open to various suggestions if someone would like to produce and sell a print run in their country. If you are not from an English-speaking country, you have the option to translate the book into your own language. I offer favorable terms for collaboration on this project. The English-language digital version of the book "Confident Orienteering" Book 1: Fundamentals  in PDF format is available here. Aleksandr Alekseyonok, January 4, 2024