Left, Right, or Straight: Leg Analysis #17 Today, we're going to explore a few legs from an area near the city of Daugavpils, Latvia. This is where the traditional Latvian multi-day event Kāpas 3 Days , was recently held on June 28 -30th. Kāpas is organised annually by the Kapa OK club in different parts of Latvia, typically in the middle of summer. This year, the first day took place in the sand dunes of pine Forest. In such a unique area, you could also meet in Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia. The origin of such a landscape is most likely connected to the movement of a glacier in the distant past. The visibility in the mature forest is excellent, and the ground is hard (the moss is not very soft). This is evident from the athletes' routes, as they tend to stay as close to the line as possible. Even on those legs where there was a clearing or path near the line, the athletes did not use it. Additionally, some paths and rides can be sandy, which slows down the...